Aygaz A.S.
Market Cap
Price Chart
About Aygaz A.S. - AYGAZ.IS
Aygaz A.Åž. is a Turkish company specializing in liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) such as propane and butane, providing cylinders and autogas for various energy needs in Turkey. It operates an extensive distribution network for its gas products and related appliances.
What are Aygaz A.S.'s core values and mission statement?
Aygaz A.S.'s core values focus on customer satisfaction, trustworthiness, and innovation, while their mission emphasizes providing high-quality energy products and services in a reliable, environmentally-friendly, and sustainable manner.
Who founded Aygaz A.S. and when?
Aygaz A.Ş. was founded by Vehbi Koç in 1961.
Who leads Aygaz A.S.?
Aygaz A.Ş. is a Turkish company that, as of the last update of this information, was led by Yağız Eyüboğlu as its General Manager.
Where is Aygaz A.S. located, and what is its base country?
Aygaz A.Åž. is headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey, which is also its base country.
On which exchanges is Aygaz A.S. traded?
Aygaz A.Åž. is primarily traded on Borsa Ä°stanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange) under the ticker symbol "AGYO."
Historical data
Aygaz A.S. (AYGAZ) Price Live Data
The live price of Aygaz A.S. (AYGAZ) is $5.88, with a trading volume of 94,068 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the AYGAZ price in real-time. Aygaz A.S. is up 1.04% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $1,291,368,948.99 and a supply of 219,800,993 AYGAZ stocks.
Aygaz A.S. (AYGAZ) is traded on Istanbul Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 1 hour and 32 minutes.