Fonterra Shareholders Fund
Market Cap
Price Chart
About Fonterra Shareholders Fund - FSF.NZ
The Fonterra Shareholders' Fund is a mechanism that provides outside investors with the opportunity to invest in the performance of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited without owning the actual cooperative shares, via units in the fund that are traded like shares on the stock exchange. This fund gives investors an economic interest in certain shares of the dairy cooperative's business, allowing them to benefit from Fonterra's financial performance through dividends and price appreciation of the fund's units.
What are Fonterra Shareholders Fund's core values and mission statement?
Fonterra Shareholders' Fund's core values center around cooperative principles, which emphasize working together, acting responsibly, and creating long-term sustainability and prosperity for their farmers and the communities in which they operate. Their mission is to be the world’s most trusted source of dairy nutrition.
Who founded Fonterra Shareholders Fund and when?
Fonterra Shareholders' Fund, associated with Fonterra Co-operative Group, was established in November 2012 as a part of Fonterra's Trading Among Farmers (TAF) scheme. Fonterra itself was founded by a merger of two large dairy cooperatives, New Zealand Dairy Group and Kiwi Cooperative Dairies, as well as the New Zealand Dairy Board in October 2001.
Who leads Fonterra Shareholders Fund?
The Fonterra Shareholders' Fund is typically overseen by a board of directors responsible for the strategic direction and corporate governance of the fund, with a Chairman at the helm. However, the specific individuals in these roles can change, so it is best to consult the latest official reports or Fonterra's website for current leadership information.
Where is Fonterra Shareholders Fund located, and what is its base country?
Fonterra Shareholders Fund is based in New Zealand.
On which exchanges is Fonterra Shareholders Fund traded?
The Fonterra Shareholders Fund is traded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and the New Zealand Exchange (NZX).
Historical data
Fonterra Shareholders Fund (FSF) Price Live Data
The live price of Fonterra Shareholders Fund (FSF) is $3.01, with a trading volume of 7,655 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the FSF price in real-time. Fonterra Shareholders Fund is down -0.38% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $322,920,937.90 and a supply of 107,411,002 FSF stocks.
Fonterra Shareholders Fund (FSF) is traded on New Zealand Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 14 hours and 20 minutes.