Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S.
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About Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. - SEKUR.IS
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.Åž. is a company based in Turkey that specializes in the manufacture and supply of plastic packaging solutions for various industries. Their products range from containers to specialized packaging designed to meet the needs of their customers.
What are Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S.'s core values and mission statement?
As specific details regarding the core values and mission statement of Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S., a particular company, can vary and evolve, it's best to consult the company's official communications or website for the most accurate and current information. Generally, a company's core values and mission statement reflect its commitment to quality, customer service, innovation, and sustainability within their industry.
Who founded Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. and when?
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. was founded by Yilmaz Güral in 1986.
Who leads Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S.?
The leadership of a specific company like Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. can change over time, and the best way to find the current leader or CEO is to check the most recent corporate information from the company's website or reputable business directories.
Where is Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. located, and what is its base country?
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. is located in Turkey, which is also its base country.
On which exchanges is Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. traded?
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.Ş. is not listed on major international exchanges; it is a company that may be privately held or operates in a local or regional trading environment, so it may not have publicly traded shares on exchanges like the NYSE or NASDAQ. If it has public listings, these would typically be found on a Turkish exchange considering the company’s name suggests it is Turkish.
Historical data
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. (SEKUR) Price Live Data
The live price of Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. (SEKUR) is $0.48, with a trading volume of 484,301 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the SEKUR price in real-time. Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. is up 1.42% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $23,459,491.51 and a supply of 48,597,503 SEKUR stocks.
Sekuro Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi A.S. (SEKUR) is traded on Istanbul Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 1 hour and 11 minutes.