Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi
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About Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi - EPLAS.IS
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi is a Turkish company specializing in the manufacture and supply of various plastic piping systems for infrastructure and agricultural applications. Their product line includes a range of pipes, fittings, and related accessories designed to meet diverse construction and irrigation needs.
What are Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi's core values and mission statement?
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Åž. typically commits to values such as innovation, customer satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and quality in its products and services, and its mission often revolves around providing sustainable plastic piping systems that meet customers' needs while adhering to environmental and social responsibilities. For the most accurate and updated information regarding their core values and specific mission statement, please refer to the company's official communication or their website.
Who founded Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi and when?
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi was founded by Erol and Necmi Ege in the year 1973.
Who leads Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi?
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Åžirketi is led by a management team whose specific individuals and positions at the helm can vary with time and are best verified by consulting the latest corporate literature or company website directly for the most current leadership information.
Where is Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi located, and what is its base country?
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Åžirketi is located in Izmir, Turkey, and its base country is Turkey.
On which exchanges is Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi traded?
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi is listed on the Borsa Istanbul under the ticker symbol "EGEPL."
Historical data
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi (EPLAS) Price Live Data
The live price of Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi (EPLAS) is $0.20, with a trading volume of 1,303,416 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the EPLAS price in real-time. Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi is up 1.81% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $37,984,388.74 and a supply of 190,615,010 EPLAS stocks.
Egeplast Ege Plastik Ticaret ve Sanayi Anonim Sirketi (EPLAS) is traded on Istanbul Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 6 hours and 58 minutes.