Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company
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Price Chart
About Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company - ATR.L
The Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company is an investment trust that aims to provide investors with a total return primarily through investing in Asian equities and Asian equity-related securities. It employs a combination of company research to find undervalued stocks and a macro overlay to identify broader regional trends.
What are Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company's core values and mission statement?
As an investment company, Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company aims to provide shareholders with a high level of total return, with an emphasis on dividends as well as capital growth. They typically focus on investing in Asian markets (excluding Japan) and adopt a flexible investment approach, geared towards finding opportunities that seek to maximize returns while managing risks.
Who founded Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company and when?
Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company was founded by Schroders, a global investment management firm, and its investment trust has been managed by Schroders since its launch as Schroder AsiaPacific Fund in 1995.
Who leads Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company?
As of my last update, Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company is led by the fund managers of Schroders, with a specific management team assigned to the company's operations. The individual portfolio managers can change over time, so it's best to consult the latest reports or the company's website for the current team members.
Where is Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company located, and what is its base country?
The Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company is based in the United Kingdom.
On which exchanges is Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company traded?
Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
Historical data
Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company (ATR) Price Live Data
The live price of Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company (ATR) is $5.80, with a trading volume of 104,463 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the ATR price in real-time. Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company is up 0% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $5,432,715.54 and a supply of 936,701 ATR stocks.
Schroder Asian Total Return Inv. Company (ATR) is traded on London Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 18 hours and 19 minutes.