Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt.
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Price Chart
About Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. - BIF.BD
Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt (BIF) is a real estate development and management company based in Budapest, Hungary, primarily engaged in the development and sales of residential properties in the Budapest area. The company may also take part in renovating and managing commercial and office spaces as a part of its broader real estate portfolio.
What are Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt.'s core values and mission statement?
As of my last update, the core values and mission statement for Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. (Budapest Property Utilization and Development Plc.) are not publicly delineated in a standardized form such as you might find with international corporations. For the most accurate representation of their values and mission, it would be best to consult the company's official communications or corporate documentation.
Who founded Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. and when?
Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt., commonly known as BIF, was established by the Budapest Municipal Council in 1990.
Who leads Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt.?
The leadership of Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt (BIF) can change over time, so to get the most current information on who is leading the company, it is best to consult the latest corporate disclosures or the official website of BIF for the updated list of executives and board members.
Where is Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. located, and what is its base country?
Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. is located in Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary.
On which exchanges is Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. traded?
Budapesti Ingatlan HasznosÃtási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. (BIF) is traded on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT).
Historical data
Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. (BIF) Price Live Data
The live price of Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. (BIF) is $1.38, with a trading volume of 2,000 in the last 24 hours. Wrapstocks updates the BIF price in real-time. Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. is up 2.87% in the last 24 hours. The company has a live market cap of $347,070,735.92 and a supply of 251,684,007 BIF stocks.
Budapesti Ingatlan Hasznosítási és Fejlesztési Nyrt. (BIF) is traded on Budapest Stock Exchange, and currently, the market is closed; trading will be resumed in 7 hours and 38 minutes.